Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Helping you turn your life around with naturopathy

Nearly 20 years in the business, Tracy Henderson is as passionate about practising naturopathy as she was when she first decided she wanted to explore the wonders of alternative medicine.

She is a Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Aromatherapist with many years of experience.

As well as massage, Tracy works with Herbal Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies, Mineral Therapy, nutritional supplements and detoxification to help you reduce signs of disease, overcome illnesses or imbalances in your body and allow you to function at an optimum level.

She helps clients to sleep better, feel more energetic and achieve long term health. Naturopathy increases energy, decreases pain, boosts immunity, improves digestive health, balances hormones, reduces stress and generally enhances a person’s wellbeing and vitality.

There is no better testimonial than your own children and Tracy believes that they are proof enough that herbal remedies work for most ailments and help turn someone’s life around.

“I have two children who would rarely need conventional medicine as a healthy diet and lifestyle keeps them well and if they do get sick there are so many herbal remedies to support them to get well. So, even after so many years of being in business I still feel a passion for what I do and a belief in natural medicines as a good safe and effective choice for illness.”

Tracy uses an advanced kinesiological testing called Quantum Reflex Analysis.

“It allows me to find out what could be causing someone to feel unwell and which supplements or herbal medicine will improve their health. Herbal medicine is a wonderful modality and due to my years of training I am able to mix herbs in clinic to suit each individual,” she says.

Visit Nature’s Cottage and you will be in the hands of a professional Aromatherapist/Naturopath/Medical Herbalist who can help you regain better health and vitality with natural remedies.

She can also massage away your aches and pains, ease tension, revive tired aching muscles, reduce stress and fatigue and help improve overall well-being.

Bookings: www.naturescottage.cliniko.com/bookings

Nature’s Cottage Natural Therapies
Third View Avenue, Beachlands.
Phone 536 6605 | Mobile 021 537 241.

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