Monday, March 10, 2025

ACC motor vehicle levies 1 July 2017

From 1 July 2017 the average annual ACC Motor Vehicle Account levy which includes the annual licence levy and the petrol levy will be reduced from $130.26 to $113.94 per vehicle – a reduction of 12.5 per cent.

The new motor vehicle levy rates apply for the next two years, and will save motorists more than $113 million over two years.

Motorists will pay a lower ACC petrol levy when they fill up at the pump, a 13 per cent reduction from 6.9 cents to 6 cents a litre.

The motor vehicle levies cover the costs of accidents on public roads involving vehicles.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) will be classed with petrol driven vehicles and will pay the same lower levy. Previously these vehicles were classed as ‘non-petrol’ and paid all of their ACC levy through vehicle licensing fees, similar to diesel-powered vehicles.

Motor vehicle owners, including EVs and PHEVs can find out what the ACC levy portion of their car registration is by visiting www.rightcar.govt.nz.

Annual licence levies for motorcycles will remain at current levels.

ACC annual licence levies per risk band from 1 July for light petrol vehicles and light electric vehicles:
Band 1 – $80.65
Band 2 – $53.27
Band 3 – $36.79
Band 4 – $17.38

ACC annual licence levies per risk band from 1 July for light non-petrol (diesel) vehicles
Band 1 – $150.63
Band 2 – $123.25
Band 3 – $106.78
Band 4 –   $87.36

Some vehicles have been reassigned to new Vehicle Risk Rating bands for the coming two levy years as a result of the regular update of crash data used to generate these ratings. Enter your number plate to view your ACC licence levy from 1 July 2017 here.

Find out more about motor vehicles and ACC levies here.

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