Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Innovation award for local business

A local personal training business has received the Innovation of the Year award at the recent New Zealand Exercise Awards.

Busy Body Personal Training received the award for its 12 minute system – a customised personal training programme that involves twelve minutes of physical activity over the week.

The system is broken down into three days. Day one is two minutes of functional strength broken down into 20 second explosive bursts. Day two is five minutes of high intensity cardio, followed by five more minutes of cardio on day three.

Creating the 12 minutes system seemed a natural extension to what Ross Bymolt and his team were already doing — catering to people with busy lifestyles who are short on time.
Bymolt, who placed runner up at the awards for Personal Trainer of the Year, says the most common excuse people give for not exercising is being short on time.

But he says he’s got a challenge for those who insist they’re too busy for twelve minutes a week.

“I know what it’s like to be busy. I run a business, I’m setting up a new business, I’ve got two young kids, I’m the busiest trainer in the current business, I sold a house this year, moved the business in here.

“I’m one of the busiest people I know but I still have time to do it because 12 minutes a week works. People say they don’t have time, I say rubbish.”

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