More than 60 people attended the community walk held on Wednesday, November 6.
Walkers met at St Paul’s in the Park Church in Flat Bush and walked the 2.5km in Sir Barry Curtis Park and some walked the route twice.
The walk was organised by Parvin Kapila, health promoter with East Health Trust PHO and Sam Bhattacharya, community advisor from Sport Auckland.
The walk was followed by a healthy morning tea, with quick fire presentations from East Health Trust, Sport Auckland, and Living Streets Aotearoa – Andy spoke about keeping footpaths clear so that walkers can walk without hazards of overhanging trees and cars parked on footpaths.
Those present wanted a regular walking group, meeting weekly, to reduce social isolation and connect communities, stay healthy and make new friends. Parvin and Sam will be working with Reverend Warner Wilder to make this happen.