Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Petition to let dogs run free

Local dog owners want their canine companions to have more access to Mellons Bay Beach. Times photo Wayne Martin

East Auckland dog owners are petitioning for the right to let their canine friends run free at a local beach.

The Mellons Bay Dog Lovers community group organised the petition which was presented to the Howick Local Board at its most recent business meeting.

It was signed by 438 people and asks for Mellons Bay Beach to be an off-leash dog area all year round.

“We as local dog owners are fortunate to be able to use Mellons Bay as an off-leash dog exercise area over the winter months,” the petition states.

“A large community of dog owners and their canines use this beach regularly.

“Many drive some distance because it is so important for dogs to be able to run freely and to ‘exercise out’ their energy in a closed-off environment.

“Eastern Mellons Bay is uniquely safe for dogs, with cliffs on one side, a large tidal area, rocks at the far end, and it is well away from busy roads.”

The petition says during summer months dogs are prohibited from using the beach between 10am-5pm except for a small, rocky, inhospitable area west of the stormwater pipe.

There are many more pleasant beaches nearby, including Cockle Bay, Howick, and Eastern Beach, it says.

“These three beaches are more welcoming for swimmers and picnickers than Mellons Bay, which is comparatively rocky and unsuitable for family groups.

“Hence usage remains low for non-dog owners in comparison to these other ‘better’ beaches.

“We are therefore requesting council consideration to allow Mellons Bay Beach to be an off-leash area all year round.”

Local resident Joanna George presented the petition to the board at its meeting, which was conducted online due to Covid restrictions, on behalf of the dog lovers’ group.

She said since the Covid-19 pandemic began there’s been a “big increase” in pet ownership both in New Zealand and overseas.

“There are many more dogs in our community today than there were pre-Covid times.

“There are recognised and documented positives to having a dog in one’s life.

“Even a quick Google search will reveal multiple examples of physical and psychological benefits of dog ownership.”

George said dogs enrich their owner’s life in numerous ways including through exercise.

“Many dog owners are also parents who enjoy taking their children and dog to the beach during the day and in summer.

“At present they can’t take both to local beaches.

“So if the board could give the eastern suburb community this safe space, which is Mellons Bay, for their dogs 100 per cent of the time, I and all the other petition signees and many other members of the community will be delighted.

“We think it will be an enlightened thing to do.”

The group also provided to the board comments from dozens of people who signed the petition.

One signee, Stephanie Blake, wrote: “Dogs need to be able to run free, swim and play with other dogs in a safe environment away from the roads.”

Juliet Campbell wrote: “This is a very reasonable request and would cater for so many people and their dogs, including mine.”

The board accepted the petition.

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