Friday, February 28, 2025

Stop selling land to foreigners

Where is the sense in allowing foreigners to waltz in here, buy up land which they can turn around an immediately lease – or should I say fleece – innocent hard-working New Zealanders?

[It is] much the same as happened when Australian banks reaped all the benefits.

Has this government no shame? Labourites grizzle and moan about Chris Luxon making the already-rich richer with tax cuts across the board, when in the mother of all hypocrisy by selling large tracts of lands to benefit the few makes Luxon’s gift to the already wealthy pale in significance.

Australia, who has learned the hard way, is cracking down on foreign ownership and China, who our politicians bow and scrape to as the very role model of economics, simply doesn’t allow it.

It’s now up to New Zealand’s younger generation, who will suffer most from the sale of the crown jewels, to amass alongside farmers outside the Beehive and stop the rot before it sets in.

After all, it is their future which is at stake here.

Gary Hollis
Mellons Bay

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