Tuesday, April 1, 2025

June has plenty in store for Howick Village

There’s a lot happening in Howick this month including the always popular Saturday market. File photo

It’s another busy month in Howick Village and the activities continue. In June we have:

Arts Out East and Howick Village Association (HVA) are partnering to host an art display in Fencible Park commencing on June 17.

This exhibition is to celebrate Matariki 2023 and will display art by two local Maori creatives who are excited to share their work with our community.

A children’s activity booklet has been created by Marion Skelton in conjunction with the HVA.

This free booklet which will be available in selected businesses and the Saturday markets is full of Matariki information, puzzles and activities.

On June 24, East FM will be conducting their World Famous Vinyl Sale in the Information Centre.

An opportunity to hire space to sell your collection or come along and purchase vinyl, CDs or music memorabilia.

A ‘peep’ at some July activities; Bastille Day market, Matariki celebrations continue and Howick Village Optometrists and Rotary Club of Howick are partnering to bring a special “Book-a-rama for Kids” to Howick Village.

From June 6, donations of good quality books, stationery, complete puzzles and games can be dropped to the collection bins at Howick Village Optometrists or HVA offices or by contacting a member of Howick Rotary.

This is an amazing opportunity to clear out your bookshelves and cupboards to donate to this project.

All funds received from the book sale will be returned back to the Howick community.

Our thanks for your continued support of the Saturday markets.

Despite some wet and wintery mornings, our stallholders and regulars still brave the elements to come to our markets.

You will have recently read an article (H&P Times, May 31) regarding a proposal by Auckland Transport (AT) to construct two raised pedestrian crossings on Selwyn Road and Cook Street, near the intersection with Picton Street.

HVA recently made contact with AT for clarification on this project and raised several questions. We (and I’m sure H&P Times) will keep you updated these plans and when the ‘consultation’ process will open.


  • Gerald Patterson, Deputy Chairperson, Howick Village Association
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