Friday, March 7, 2025
Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 68)

30-year anniversary at The Prospect of Howick

The Good Home owner Barry O’Shaughnessy, ready for re-opening in October 2021 as Auckland moved into Level 2 of Covid 19 Lockdown. Times photo Wayne Martin

The man, the icon, the legend Barry O’Shaughnessy has been at the helm of The Prospect of Howick for 30 years on the September 3.

Starting as a chef in 1977 at The Prospect, Barry left and worked his way around the country for 20-odd years before returning to Howick to where it all began.

Capt. Peacocke’s Carvery, Fencibles Bar, Stables Bar, Bosuns Bar, GBS Bar and now The Good Home – quite a few changes over the last three decades and some great stories and memories.

Pop in and wish Barry your congratulations and share some of your stories.

Maybe they haven’t heard them all yet.

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Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 69)
Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 72)

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