Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Relief at the pump from July 1

The coalition Government has scrapped the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax. File photo supplied
  • By Simeon Brown, Member of Parliament for Pakuranga

A few weeks ago, the Government announced we would be repealing the Regional Fuel Tax (RFT) to provide some relief at the pump for Aucklanders, who were seeing an extra 11.5 cents per litre tax on their fuel.

The RFT was putting an unnecessary extra cost on Aucklanders who were paying more at a time when budgets are tight, and many are struggling with the cost of living.

When this Government was elected last year, we promised we would provide tax relief to try and ease the cost of living.

Removing the RFT is an important first step as we put together Budget 2024 in a few months’ time, which will continue our focus on the cost of living.

The reality is that too much of the money raised by the RFT was being used on projects of low value, like speed bumps, more cycle lanes and blanket speed limit reductions, while around half of the money – some $340 million – was sitting unspent in Auckland Council coffers.

The good news is that, as part of our repeal of the RFT, the Government has committed the remaining money raised to priority projects like completing the Eastern Busway, more trains to support the City Rail Link and funding for local roading improvement projects.

We also recently released the Government Policy Statement on Transport, which further outlines our focus on making it easier for people to get to where they need to go.

Removing the Regional Fuel Tax is just one part of the coalition Government’s plan to better the lives of New Zealanders and we will continue working hard to get our country moving in the right direction.

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