Saturday, October 5, 2024

Boy assaulted on bus as Luxon details crime crackdown

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says his Government plans to take action to restore law and order. Photo supplied

Prime Minister and Botany MP Christopher Luxon has revealed the coalition Government’s latest ‘action plan’ which he says has a strong focus on making Kiwis safer and restoring law and order.

His announcement on June 1 came the same day police called for information from the public about a violent assault on a bus in Pakuranga that left a teenager with facial injuries.

“The Government I lead is one of action and we are already making meaningful changes that will keep Kiwis safe in their homes, workplaces and communities,” Luxon says.

“The 40 actions in the plan span the Government’s core priorities to rebuild the economy, deliver better public services and infrastructure, but a significant focus is on restoring law and order.

“This includes passing four laws that will crack down on criminal activity and support offenders to turn their lives around.”

Luxon says before the end of the latest action plan his Government will have passed laws that give police powers to go after gangs by restricting their ability to associate and banning gang patches in public, give police more power to get guns out of the hands of criminals, increase access to effective rehabilitation for prisoners on remand, and improve efficiency in the courts and increase access to justice.

“In addition to these laws coming into effect, the Government will introduce legislation to toughen up sentencing and ensure there are real consequences for crime, while also launching a military-style academy pilot for serious and young offenders.

“We are also taking steps to keep Kiwis safer on our roads and will introduce legislation to enable roadside testing for drug-driving.”

The action plan also includes reforms relating to education and a commitment to deliver high quality infrastructure.

Luxon’s announcement was issued the same day it was revealed a 16-year-old boy was assaulted in an unprovoked attack while traveling on a bus from Howick to Auckland CBD.

The incident happened in Pakuranga at about 9.15am on June 28.

Photos of the unnamed victim posted online show blood around his mouth.

Three of his teeth were knocked out in the attack and he suffered a large wound to his face.

Counties Manukau East Police said an unidentified woman got onto the bus before assaulting the victim with an object.

News media reported the offender yelled racial slurs at the boy, who is a Chinese New Zealander, before striking him.

“This was an unprovoked assault, which left the victim with serious facial injuries,” police said.

“The offender has alighted from the bus prior to police arrival.

“We understand the fear and concern events like this inflict on the community and we will continue to pursue every lead to hold this person to account.

“Police have no tolerance for this type of crime or intimidation in our communities.

“We are also providing support to the victim and want to reassure the community we are working hard to locate the person responsible.”

Pakuranga-based National Party List MP Nancy Lu posted a message on social media on July 1 in support of the victim.

“Something horrific happened this long weekend to a young Chinese Kiwi and the Chinese community is coming together to support and help,” she says.

“I have reached out to the impacted family immediately and are gathering support.

“Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts.”

People who witnessed the incident or who have information which may assist can phone police on 105, quoting file number 240628/8342, or phone the free and anonymous Crimestoppers tip-off line on 0800 555 111.

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