Saturday, October 26, 2024

Let the new Times roll!

While news media has been under the pump in recent years, smart application of new media is seeing some publications become more widely read than ever. As others retreat and retrench in the face of rising paper costs, and an increasing din through social media, the Times is embracing modern mediums in order to share local messages.

“For more than two decades, the Google News Initiative has partnered with local news organisations to embrace digital transformation,” Chris Burgess from Google says. “We’re proud to support east Auckland’s times.co.nz transition to a digital-first model through our Google News Showcase programme.”

Disseminating and evaluating information to keep the east Auckland community informed for more than 50 years is a big act to follow. However, full engagement of social media platforms combined with good, old fashioned ‘on the beat’ journalism has seen the Times thrive.

Since taking the reins and ushering in new times for the Times, owner Bo Burns is leading the charge.

“I am absolutely thrilled with the growth, engagement, and support we’ve experienced so far,” she confirms. “We’ve had a record number of visits to our website for two consecutive months, surpassing 100,000 views each month. Our social media presence has grown by 500% and we’ve achieved numerous other digital and physical milestones.”

Some community media producers may look to centralise newsrooms to deliver local news produced regionally and use of ‘one size fits all’ content, but the Times remains based in Howick (now on Vincent Street) and at the heart of our community.

“We’ve engaged with more than 50 schools and sports clubs and our roadshow across retirement villages and rest homes has been a great success,” adds Bo. “We invite our community to share ideas, nominate individuals for awards, enter our competitions, and for advertisers looking to reach 150,000 locals in east Auckland, our team is ready to assist.”

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