Howick Club
Service Projects
- Collecting pyjamas, toiletries and games for STAND Children’s Services.
- Knitting and collecting pyjamas for the Middlemore Foundation.
- Putting together toiletry kits for Multi Agency.
- Making dresses for Dress a Girl Around the World, NZ.
- Collecting bras and creating bra extenders for Project Uplift.
- Fundraising for Look Good Feel Better
- Collecting glasses and raising money for the Fred Hollows Foundation.
- Supporting Seasons for Growth by knitting teddy bears and crocheting worry worms.
Social Activities
- Monthly Friendly fours lunch/dinner get-togethers
- Monthly morning tea catch-up
- Monthly book club
- Monthly knitting group
- Monthly sewing group
- Annual Walk and Talk social occasion
- Club birthday dinner
- Christmas Lunch
- Monthly working bee/social get-together
Club Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm
Club Contact email:
Location: Highland Park Community House, 47 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland