In just a few hours in neighbourhoods across east Auckland there will be masses of little fairies, goblins, witches, monsters, vampires, ghosts, spiders, skeletons and more in search of candy for this year’s Halloween festivities.
This afternoon and tonight the following east Auckland houses, streets and other locations are taking part in trick-or-treating or will have Halloween displays:
Spears Place, Botany Downs. 4pm-8pm. No cars, please park on Gosford Drive. One resident doing it for the neighborhood.
12 Maroubra Place, Botany Downs.
39 Loloma Dive, Half Moon Bay, will be ready for trick or treaters from 5.30pm.
8 Edendale Road, Somerville, will be ready for trick or treaters from 5.30pm.
23 Hinckley Court, Dannemora, ready from 5.30pm.
5 Annalong Road, Dannemora.
Four Trees, Cockle Bay.
75 Advene Road, Cockle Bay.
9 Culver Terrace, Howick.
Cuba Apartments, Unit 52, 7 Guys Road, East Tamaki.
21 Triumph Road, Flat Bush, from 4.30ppm onward.
Vivian Place, Eastern Beach, by the walkway, very decorated.
Corner of Fordyce Avenue and Glenmore Road, Pakuranga.
15 Driscoll Place, Farm Cove, 5pm-7.30pm.
6 Trust Place, Sunnyhills.
6 Rothwell Place, Sunnyhills.
41 Lewisham Street, Highland Park.
Eastgate Christian Centre, 9 Ben Lomond Crescent, Pakuranga Heights, is running a Light Party starting at 5.30pm and finishing at 7.30pm. Games and prizes suitable for preschoolers and primary school kids. Entry is free.
Howick Historical Village, Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Festival of Frights from 3.30pm-8pm (entry costs $18 for adults, $12 for children, and under 12 months is free).
And here’s some helpful tips from police to enjoy a safe and fun Halloween:
- Parents or caregivers should supervise their young children at all times and not let them go off with people they don’t know.
- Trick-or-treating in areas that are well lit and only where the children know the residents.
- Always go with an adult, or if you are a teen stick with your friends and look out for each other.
- If you see a sign that says ‘no trick-or-treat here’ or similar then respect their wishes.
- Householders do not have to open the door or respond to knocks from Halloween visitors.
- Check your trusted community pages to see which homes will be participating in Halloween.