Saturday, March 29, 2025

Mysterious rat-catcher leaves mayhem in his wake

Starring in the production of The Pied Piper are young actors including Chelsea Gedge, far right. Photo supplied

Everyone knows the story of the Pied Piper and Howick Children’s and Youth Theatre will soon stage a new retelling of the classic tale.

The production is performed by its Children’s Theatre students, who have been with the theatre for many years, and are aged eight to 14 years old.

Director Michelle Field says cast members have been working hard to memorise their lines and create a wide variety of wonderful characters to tell this traditional tale.

“They’ve done really well at maintaining concentration on stage and have been extremely supportive of one another.

“They’re having lots of fun and I can see that in their performances.”

Field says she’s pleased with how much work the cast is putting into each rehearsal.

“The story is set in the town of Hamelin, which is overrun with rats and mice.

“A mysterious man arrives, offering to rid the town of its troubles, but when the mayor doesn’t keep up his end of the bargain things take a sinister turn.

“The cast say they’ve really enjoyed rehearsing and having the opportunity to work with their classmates.

“There a lot of bright, interesting costumes being used in the play to give the show a fun feel.

“We really look forward to performing for the people of Howick.”

The Pied Piper is staged on June 1-2 at 1.30pm and 3.30pm at Harlequin Theatre, 563 Pakuranga Road.

Tickets cost $10 and the show is suitable for people aged five and older.

To book, email hcyt@xtra.co.nz or phone 09 537 4943.

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