Monday, January 27, 2025

Students knit for a cause

Star of the Sea students spend time each day knitting squares to create blankets for those in need. From left: Ella Hui, Georgia Cuer, Alexandra White and Jemma McGregor.

A local school is hosting a knit-a-thon to help keep the community warm.

The knit-a-thon is part of a new Student Volunteer Army (SVA) initiative to encourage volunteering and community work among primary school students.

Room 22 from Our Lady Star of the Sea School has teamed up with the SVA to knit as many granny squares as they can, which will be stitched together at the end of the term to create blankets for those in need.

The class, which only learnt how to knit last week, has already knitted more than 61 squares. They have recruited parents, teachers and community members to help donate knitted squares to the cause.

The students spent a little time everyday knitting squares using wool donated by a parent.

While the students are working hard, they hope to encourage many more volunteers to help knit squares through social media, the school website and their knitting event.

The knit-a-thon will be hosted on Friday, September 22 in the school hall where those who want to help can learn how to knit, spend time knitting and donate any squares they have already made.

Contact knitting@starofthesea.school.nz to donate squares.

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