Saturday, March 29, 2025

Titles on the line at high-flying wrestling show

Impact Pro Wrestling’s top talent is set to perform in Howick. Photo supplied

Anyone who grew up in the 1980s knows the names Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Brett Hart, Shawn Michaels, Randy Savage and Andre the Giant.

The popularity of professional wrestling hasn’t waned since the industry’s golden era and the latest crop of young talent – right here in New Zealand – is set to showcase their skills in east Auckland.

Uxbridge Arts and Culture in Howick is hosting a Grand Slam Pro Wrestling show on Saturday, September 7.

Impact Pro Wrestling’s (IPW) Amber Sheehan says it’ll feature 14 wrestlers.

“Included are current IPW New Zealand Heavyweight Champion Horus, and multiple former heavyweight champions.

“We have heavy hitters, high-flyers and technical specialists competing, so we’re covering a lot of wrestling styles.

“Above all, we aim to provide entertainment. To have the crowd come away not only talking about the wrestling, but also the characters and the stories that play out in the ring.”

Sheehan says the IPW New Zealand Heavyweight Championship will be on the line in Howick when champion Horus takes on a former multiple-time champion, James Shaw.

“Horus is the ‘Duke of Death’, who implements a range of styles in-ring and marries it up with a devil-may-care attitude that our fans love.

“James Shaw is the leader of the ‘Divine Light’, an evangelical type who’s always looking to cleanse New Zealand wrestling of its sins.”

Uxbridge director Paul Brobbel says he knows there’s a strong appetite from the community to see the centre’s theatre programme become more active.

“We’re challenging everyone to get into Uxbridge and make the most of the venue.

“There’s the usual concerts and performances that we know will be popular but we also want to think beyond the expected and bring some things into Howick village that don’t make it here.

“Wrestling might seem an odd choice but, as a dramatic art, athletic theatre has been entertaining audiences since the 1900s.”

The show’s organisers welcome fans of all ages but spectators are recommended to be aged 10 years and older.

Sheehan says: “Wrestling is a totally unique entertainment experience – and Impact Pro Wrestling is the best of the best.

“If you’ve never experienced wrestling like this, you’re in for an absolute treat.

“We promise to deliver a night that engrosses you, whether it’s the physicality or the drama that will leave you buzzing afterwards.”

To book, go online to https://uxbridge.org.nz/product/grand-slam-wrestling/ or phone 09 535 6467.

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