Saturday, March 29, 2025

What’s On around east Auckland

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
The Pakuranga Garden Club meets on the third Wednesday of every month at Te Tuhi, 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga.

Howick Combined Probus

Why not join us on Tuesday, February 25, at Howick Bowling Club from 10am-12pm to hear speaker Marko Radojkovich, who’ll talk about the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and what they do and how they do it. It’s about the information/advice they provide to clients, the clinics they hold such as counselling, legal, immigration and taxation matters. For more information regarding our speakers, trips and friendship groups please phone Mary 0274 532 104. New members and guests most welcome and morning tea provided.

Pakuranga Garden Club

The Pakuranga Garden Club meets on the third Wednesday of every month at Te Tuhi, 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga. Morning tea is served at 9.30am and our meeting starts at 10am. There’s an interesting speaker each month and an outing on the fourth Wednesday. Men and women join us in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Inquiries phone Jocelyn on 273 9179.

Play Rummikub

Do you enjoy playing Rummikub? If so, why not join our group of ladies and men on a Monday 1-3.15pm at the St John’s Hall (behind ambulance station) on Pakuranga Road, Highland Park. If you haven’t played before, we’re happy to teach you. We take a break for afternoon tea and so it’s good to have a chat and get to know one another. If you’d like more information, please call Jan 0273 155 278 or Violet 021 303 999.

Pass Road Code theory test

English Language Partners Ak South is offering a free course for migrants and former refugees (with P/R) to learn the road code. Saturdays 9.30am-12.30pm starting February 22. English level must be elementary or above. Level 2, Manukau City Centre, ph 09 278 9099, www.aucklandsouth@englishlanguage.org.nz.

Get fit and socialise

The Pakuranga Joggers and Walkers Club is looking for new members. It meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30am in the Pakuranga Athletic Club clubrooms in Lloyd Elsmore Park off Cascades Road. We cater for all abilities from once around the track or block to a fast-paced 10km walk. All walks/jogs are group-based and leave the clubhouse 9am returning for morning tea and socialising. Cost is $75 per year from April 1 to March 31 plus $3 each attendance or a casual fee of $5 each attendance. Phone Rosalea Dun, 021 041 4074, or email roseandjimdun@icloud.com.

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