Risk Insurance Advisor Steve O’Connor helps people ensure they have the right insurance cover when they need it most.
Everyone needs some level of personal risk insurance.
I understand that many people have tight budgets these days.
While comprehensive cover can be costly, having “some” doesn’t have to break the bank. Even minimal cover can make a world of difference.
Far too often I witness the consequences when people either cancel their insurance or never get around to setting it up.
The financial impact of an accident, illness, or loss of life can be devastating to friends and family, whether you’re young or old, single or married.
It’s easy to think “it won’t happen to me”, but if you look within two degrees of separation, I bet you know of someone who’s experienced a serious accident, illness, or unexpected loss of life.
Sadly, one of the first questions people ask in these situations is “did they have insurance?”
If you don’t have insurance, let’s talk. If you already have cover, do you truly understand what you’re covered for?
I often find that many people who self-cover through ticking a box at the bank or buying online end up with inferior solutions. Often paying a premium.
As a financial adviser, I work with a wide range of insurance companies. I take the time to listen to your needs, research your options, compare policies, and recommend tailored solutions, all at no cost or obligation to you.
What have you got to lose?
- Steve O’Connor, Insurance Advisor, Insurance Market, 021 862 330, steve.oconnor@insurance-market.co.nz