Monday, March 31, 2025

Ice cream factory tour satisfies the taste buds

Who doesn’t love a tasty Tip Top ice cream? Photo supplied
  • By Times Junior Journalist, Pia Grover

My family and I recently went to the Tip Top Ice Cream Factory.

We got to do a complete tour of the factory and see the machines ice cream is made in, including the process of making an ice cream and the rich history of the Tip Top Ice Creams in New Zealand.

We arrived a few minutes early, as we were asked to arrive ahead of time.

We waited in a beautiful room, with colouring sheets and templates for someone to design their own ice cream.

The children could easily entertain themselves with various options, including a movie that was playing in the background.

Some of the people who came for the tour were watching the movie, some were on their phones and others chit chatted away.

There were 34 people taking the tour including my family.

As the tour guide took us through the factory, everyone on the tour were astounded by the process of how this mouth-watering ice cream is made.

We learnt that the inside of the factory didn’t look anything like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

There were no chocolate rivers or Oompa Loompas, but you know what!

There were heaps of huge cylindrical steel machines making … ICE CREAM, adding flavours and mixing different ingredients day in and day out!

We went through the time from 1936 with our guide.

She told us that was when Tip Top made its first appearance.

We travelled from 1937 all the way to the 2000s, it was a fun and interesting history lesson!

The tour took around one hour to complete and at the end we were treated with a finger-licking ice cream each from the chest freezer; there were so many flavours to choose from.

I just couldn’t pick one, so I ended up picking the Strawberry Milkshake Trumpet, as it was one of Tip Top’s latest releases in the Trumpet category and it tasted DELICIOUS!

While we were savouring the awesome ice cream our tour guide played a short movie, rounding up what she had told us and adding a few extra bits and bobs to the information we had gained from the tour.

It was A-AMAZING and super FUN!

  • Pia Grover is in year 7
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