Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Insurance – a safety net for peace of mind

A 36-year-old builder who injured his back at work six months ago was placed on ACC. File photo supplied Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa on Unsplash

Risk Insurance Advisor Steve O’Connor helps people ensure they have the right insurance cover when they need it most.

These are real stories [names have been changed].

John, a 36-year-old builder, injured his back at work six months ago.

After being placed on ACC, he was offered a raft of options to try first.

But John had medical and mortgage protection insurance.

Instead of following the extended route, he saw a specialist, got an MRI, and had surgery within five weeks.

During his recovery time, he received an additional $4000 per month on top of ACC payments, and within four months, he was back to work, on light duties.

John’s friend Andrew wasn’t as prepared.

After suffering a similar injury, Andrew has been in and out of ACC, exhausted his sick and annual leave, and has had many unpaid days due to the injury.

He’s still waiting for an MRI in the coming months.

Meanwhile, his wife has taken on two jobs to cover their mortgage, and they had to sell one of their cars.

Andrew now regrets not having insurance.

Eight months ago Trish was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and needed a mastectomy.

She had to take six months off work, and her husband took time off as well to care for their children, one of whom is still in preschool.

Fortunately, Trish had trauma insurance, which paid out $80,000.

Without it, they would have faced selling their home during this already challenging time.

We all know people like John, Andrew, and Trish.

Are you insured?

  • Steve O’Connor
  • Insurance Advisor
  • 021 862 330
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