Monday, March 10, 2025


Events | What's On

Bellbird: film deals with loss, love and hope

By Farida Master It was while he was watching movies as a little boy at the Monterey Cinema in Howick that Orlando Stewart first discovered...

It’s the Big Boys Toys’ coming of age party and everyone’s invited!

WIN! The Times has four double passes to give away. Click here to enter. Big Boys Toys, New Zealand’s iconic lifestyle show celebrates its 21st birthday this year,...

All the fun of the Fair

All Souls Church, 49 North Road Clevedon, will be holding their Parish Fair on Saturday November 16, from 9.30am – 1.30pm. There will be plenty...

All Fit for a fun run?

After a successful launch last year, the Rotary Allfit Coastal Run in Beachlands, is all set for the next Fun Run on Sunday November...

Book swap celebrates love for books

Community In an increasingly virtual age, Botany Town Centre is bringing back the joy of reading by encouraging shoppers to recycle their books. The idea is...

Briana winner of People’s Choice Award

Briana Woolliams was awarded the People’s Choice Winner of The Estuary Art and Ecology Award hosted by the Uxbridge Arts and Culture at the culmination...

Howick town centre clean up

By Paula Unger Wow, what a brilliant day we all had on Saturday morning, 5th October, working towards beautifying the Howick Village. It was great to...

Great turnout for Hot Rod show

Southside Streeter’s Hot Rod in Howick at the weekend was a great success. It’s been seven years since the club, established in Howick 48 years...

Orchid society show set to dazzle

Orchid lovers are excited about the return of the Howick Orchid Society Spring Show that is set to dazzle on Saturday at the Fencible...

Bookarama draws the community

The fabulous Bookarama is upon us again. Following a very successful campaign by the Rotary Club of Howick to collect books donated by the local...

Road to respect deservedly earned

By PJ TAYLOR One of New Zealand’s great roots musicians plays to a Howick audience soon, sure to light the stage with his masterclass songwriting...

Champion Club looking to go one better in 2019/20 season.

By Jim Birchall Premier cricket gets underway in just under three weeks’ time with the Jeff Crowe Cup kicking things off. Looking to get their hands...

Ho Ho Ho, here we go!

As the weeks are creeping by the planning of the Howick Santa Parade continues to gain momentum!  We are now only 11 weeks away...

Bookarama needs your old books

Bookarama is coming soon and Howick Rotary need lots more books. The signs are going up, the collectors are answering phone calls and the books...

Dawn: a stunning spectacle where circus theatre meets orchestra

For someone who had never worked out, Mary Piggins can’t believe that she is the lead in the visually stunning production Dawn. It is a...
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