On November 5, the exhibition Pakuranga Stories opened with a mihi whakatau (a formal speech of welcome) by Ranieri Kingi, Poukokiri Rangahau Maori for...
Several east Auckland schools are raising awareness and funding for Gumboot Friday this week.
The key to the success of Gumboot Friday is getting schools...
After a two year break due to Covid, Howick Rotary’s 2022 Bookarama is underway at the Somerville Intermediate School.
This popular community event started on...
East Health Trust is running a free Health Expo on Friday, October 28 from 9.30am until 2.30pm.
The Heart Foundation and Stroke Foundation will also...
Kiwi charity Keep New Zealand Beautiful (KNZB) is excited that its annual Clean Up Week, Aotearoa’s largest movement against litter, is finally here, with...
Residents at Bruce McLaren Retirement Village are making handmade bears to send to displaced children in war-torn Ukraine.
They are one of 45 Ryman Healthcare...
The Upper North Island Secondary Schools (UNISS) netball competition has begun with hundreds or players and supporters flocking to the Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre...
Howick Village Association and Howick Pakuranga Community Patrol (HPCP) have initiated a safer plates project for Friday May 13 and Saturday May 14.
This is...
The Beautification Trust's month-long free out door and online festival, Eye on Nature EcoFest, had its final event on Friday (April 29).
The day was...
The Royal New Zealand Air Force will be celebrating their 85th anniversary through the skies this weekend.
The Avenger will be leading two T06C Texan...
The Howick Children’s Charitable Trust is proud to be bringing Santa and Christmas festivities to Howick over December with the help from their wonderful...