Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Te Tuhi turns 50: Gallery celebrates golden anniversary

This is a shared arts column put together by Howick Historical Village, Te Tuhi, and Uxbridge Arts and Culture. Te Tuhi is celebrating a major...

Community invited to view new temple

Have you ever wondered about the large stone building just off the Southern Motorway in Manukau? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has...

Major powerline works come to east

Transpower says work is progressing steadily in the east Auckland sections of a large-scale cabling rejuvenation project. The national electricity grid operators and distributor’s Brownhill...

Nominate people in need for Miss Daisy giveaway

The owner of the Driving Miss Daisy Botany trusted companion driving service is doing her bit to help make life a little bit easier...

Eastsiders shine at Ellerslie Car Show

East Auckland was strongly represented at yesterday’s 53rd running of the always grand and gleaming Ellerslie Car Show. The Howick Classic and Vintage Car Club...

Q&A with Jennie McCormick

The self-made world-class astronomer and community houses manager talks to PJ TAYLOR about her amazing galactic journey. Where were you born and grew up? In the...

Howick Village pumping with exciting events

By Katie Treneman, Village Manager, Howick Village Association Planning is well under way for the Cultural Food Festival on Saturday, March 1, 9am-2.30pm. Our Market...

New $8.3m church set to open for Easter

A new church is rising on a plot of land at a park in east Auckland and it’s hoped the building will become the...

Top yacht club with legacy of success

Bucklands Beach Yacht Club (BBYC) is one of New Zealand’s best loved yacht clubs, catering for a thriving membership with a diverse range of...

Determined to have stories heard

A motivated woman committed to getting people to communicate for better understanding is growing her audience with a new podcast series. Anju Desai has started...

Stories of library called for birthday celebrations

Hadn’t thought about it previously, but when it’s pointed out the architectural design of the roof of Pakuranga Library is an upside-down open book. Clever,...

Adios amiga, Rosa, you’ve served with distinction

A popular supermarket cuisine expert has hung up the apron and served her last produce sample at New World Howick. Rosa Kullstrom is well-known and...

Public Opinion: Waitangi Day

Tomorrow is the 185th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi on February 6, 1840, one of New Zealand’s important founding documents....

Tireless servant acknowledged for support of Nepalese community

An east Auckland community leader says he’s proud to have been recognised for his years of service to Nepalese people living in New Zealand. Bucklands...

Auckland’s Waitangi Day festival comes to Flat Bush

A large-scale public celebration of Waitangi Day is staged at Barry Curtis Park in Flat Bush this Thursday, February 6. The Auckland Council’s free-entry event...
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