Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Auckland’s Waitangi Day festival comes to Flat Bush

A large-scale public celebration of Waitangi Day is staged at Barry Curtis Park in Flat Bush this Thursday, February 6. The Auckland Council’s free-entry event...

Principal in Person, with Chris Herlihy, Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School

How long have you been an educator, and where did you train? I’ve never actually left school! I went to Waikato University after finishing school at...

Walks: Explore craters, wetlands and quarry

Keen walker David Mallowes offers suggestions about fun and interesting routes people can take to get some exercise and enjoy the area in his...

Community Comments: Q&A Mandeep Kaur; choice at university

Check out a few of the latest comments from our socials below. Want more? Dive into the conversation at www.facebook.com/timesonlinenz. Q&A WITH MANDEEP KAUR OF...

Socially connect to thrive in 2025

MICHELLE KEENAN empowers people and organisations to achieve optimal well-being by providing customised wellness coaching programmes tailored to their unique goals. In a world where...

Gymnasts called to outdoor event this Sunday

Gymnasts and those with an interest in exercise and gymnastics are invited to a free family event this weekend. Gymnastics in the Park, staged by...

What’s On: From January 31

Garage Sale Our regular barn sale at Trinity Church, 474 Pakuranga Road, will be on Saturday, February 1. We are beginning our special sale of...

Korean community festive for Lunar New Year

A special Lunar New Year event being held by Auckland’s Korean community is staged this weekend. The east Auckland-based Korean Positive Ageing Charitable Trust is...

Teen marks 15th birthday with 15 bungy jumps

While most teenagers celebrate their birthday with cake, presents and a party, one brave 15-year-old has taken on a gravity-defying challenge. Cohen Freeland has completed...

New Elim principal learning while leading

The new Elim Christian College principal is an all-rounder in life and high-achieving academic with abundant enthusiasm for educating and preparing teenagers for life...

Hola! Latin party comes to Auckland – muy bueno!

A vibrant celebration of Latin American culture through music, dance, arts and food is happening in Auckland this coming weekend. The Auckland Latin Fiesta is back for...

Happy New Year from the Howick Local Board

By Damian Light, Howick Local Board chairperson Congratulations to the recipents of New Year Royal Honours, in particular Reay Neben for her King’s Service...

Community Comments: Wharf diving; rates rises; football success

Check out a few of the latest comments from our socials below. Want more? Dive into the conversation at www.facebook.com/timesonlinenz. PERSON SUFFERS SPINAL INJURY JUMPING OFF...

Yoga teacher inspires sense of gratitude

The Times is recognising the many wonderful people in our local east Auckland community who go out of their way to help others with our regular...

Principal In Person with Kelly Slater-Brown, Bucklands Beach Primary

How long have you been an educator, and where did you train? I’ve been an educator long enough that the children of my first class...
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