Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Familiar face back at Macleans

Steve Hargreaves has big shoes to fill. His predecessor, Byron Bentley, spent 18 years at the helm of Macleans College before retiring at the end...

Culturally intelligent young leaders celebrated

The timing was perfect. On the day of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in South Korea last Friday, 19 school ambassadors at Farm...

Principal of Baverstock Oaks to retire and coach principals all over NZ

From establishing a school to watching it grow into its teenage years, has been a huge learning journey for Mary Wilson. Now it’s time...

Daniel NZ’s top speller

A voracious appetite for books has led to a Cockle Bay Primary student being crowned the Top Speller in New Zealand in Year 4. Daniel...

School buses changing again

Once again Auckland Transport (AT) is rolling out the new school bus services – but not without a few changes. Following an outpouring of concern...

Brookby School earns Enviroschools Award

Brookby School has been recognised as environmental heroes in its fight to protect the environment. The school was awarded the Bronze Enviroschools Award recently in...

Student-designed robot picks up engineers’ award

A team of Mission Heights Junior College Year 10 students have created Robo-ish, a robot programmed to sense and pick up litter and place...

A very special Christmas gift

Bucklands Beach Intermediate’s Christmas angels are doing their part to make sick kids and their families feel special over the holidays. Room two students have...

Push for MoE to plan for high school in Beachlands

The race is on to push the Ministry of Education (MoE) to invest in land to build a high school in Beachlands. Hunua MP Andrew...

Anchorage Park students farewell cherished school principal

The students and teachers at Anchorage Park Primary School have honoured retiring principal Lynne Keohane with a touching tribute. On Monday morning they surprised Ms...

Scoring high at Special Olympics

Pakuranga College student Aimee Van Aardt won big at the 9th National Summer Games- Special Olympics held in Wellington--taking home four medals. Aimee has Williams...

Howick College juniors win debating tournament

Victory bells are ringing at Howick College this week as the junior debating team celebrates its win at the Auckland Junior Debating tournament. Year 10...

Students plead to save wildlife

Three local students have taken up a noble cause – doing their bit to help protect some of the world’s wildlife. Here’s their appeal...

Body confidence is key

While her hair has grown back, the self-confidence that inspired Briana Valgre to shave her head for charity remains stronger than ever. The Pakuranga-based...

To the radio born

She is only 18 and has been a radio host, producer and voice over artist with 88.1 East FM over the last six years. Shannon...
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