Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Christopher Luxon

Budget 2024 will deliver for all Kiwis

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany By the time you read this, Finance Minister Nicola Willis and our team will have...

‘We are getting New Zealand back on track’

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP or Botany This week I announced nine ambitious targets that our Government has set to get New...

We must rebuild New Zealand’s economy

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany It's been a busy few weeks for the Government as we continue to deliver changes...

Coalition Government’s 100-day plan delivered

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany At the end of last year, I promised New Zealanders that within its first 100...

We’re cracking down on gang crime

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany Law and order has been top of mind for many communities across New Zealand for...

Government fulfils promise to scrap Auckland Regional Fuel Tax

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany Last week, the coalition Government announced that from July 1 we'll be scrapping the Auckland...

School attendance is key

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and the MP for Botany This week, a new school year begins for tens of thousands of students across...

Taxpayers to finally catch a break

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany Welcome to 2024. I hope everyone out there enjoyed some time with friends and family over...

‘We will bring discipline back’

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany The new coalition Government has been in office for a few weeks, and the previous...

New PM vows: ‘We will deliver for Kiwis’

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany New Zealand officially has a new Coalition Government with National, ACT and New Zealand First. At...

Thank you, Botany, for your overwhelming support

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister-elect and MP for Botany I am extremely proud to return to Parliament as your local MP for Botany and...

Luxon: Our Government will deliver change for Kiwis

By Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany and Prime Minister-elect Last week, we finally had clarity on the final vote count from election night. The result...

Luxon: National will deliver for every New Zealander

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister-elect and MP for Botany As New Zealand waits on the count of half a million special votes cast in...

Election day is around the corner

By Christopher Luxon, Leader of the Opposition and MP for Botany It is the last week of the election campaign, and the National team...

National will rebuild the economy

By Christopher Luxon, Leader of the Opposition and MP for Botany This election is about the economy, and which party has the plan to...
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