Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Māori naming of community assets

Why oh why do we have to rename all assets and attractions, in our east Auckland Local Board in this 2024 year? According to Stats NZ, there is less than 1 per cent of...

Bi-weekly rubbish collection

Now there is a suggestion that rubbish will be collected only every second week, and yet Auckland Council started an expensive food waste collection. There are approximately 540,000 households in Auckland. Charge to each...

Pedestrian safety

I visited London and Dublin last year, and was impressed that we tourists were able to walk the footpaths safely. No risk of being hit by a speeding cycle or e-scooter, as these were...

Wrong on speed limits

Normally I would agree with Simeon Brown, but as a father of a daughter killed in a high-speed impact, I must object to the idea of increasing speed limits. The higher the speed the...

Pakuranga Road speed limit

Can Simeon Brown please explain exactly how increasing the speed limit on Pakuranga Road decreases congestion. If he’s right we all look forward to the morning and afternoon commute being so much quicker by...

The city is closing

Regarding the demise of Smith and Caughey – no parking, vagrants, crime, why would you shop in Queen Street ? And it will totally dry up when the City Rail Link opens and the...

Shopping centre’s appearance

For many months I have been watching the signage for the shopping centre on the corner of Whitford Road and Somerville Road looking in a pretty dismal ripped state. Question: With the uncertain weather...

Building consents

It has surprised me to see some infill housing developments that are significantly out of keeping with the neighbourhood where the development is occurring. In addition and possibly more importantly, building consents being granted...

Generosity appreciated

On behalf of the Howick RSA, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who assisted with our Poppy Day Appeal 2024. To all who volunteered time to gift poppies in exchange for...

$272,000 for crossing

Auckland Transport is planning to build a raised zebra crossing on Litten Road outside the Litten Road Shopping Centre. This proposal was put out for public feedback on December 19, 2023. Cockle Bay Residents and...

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Trumps’ Gaza Plan