Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Where is Britomart?

Auckland Transport has started renaming Britomart station Waitemata. Nowhere on signage, maps or timetables does it indicate where Britomart/Waitemata actually is. Countless times, I have had to help tourists with identifying where the Auckland City...

Removal of Cockle Bay bus stop

I am dismayed to see that the bus stop outside 74 Cockle Bay road has been removed by, I can only assume, Auckland Transport. This stop has a dedicated shoulder for the bus to pull...

Council Litter Bins

We have a City Council responsible for collecting our trash At least we thought so, but a recent decision appears rash We currently have litter bins in recreational places for scraps Where folk out for a walk...

Thanks for the support

I’m Jessica Chand, the owner of Vanilla Plant Based Kitchen. I wanted to get in touch with the Times to say how grateful I am that you have taken the time to allow me to...

Guidelines are evidence-based

Unfortunately, I found the front page of our local paper at the dairy today . It was disappointing and hurtful to find the headline about the very important gender and sexuality guidelines being opposed by...

This has caused serious harm to good Howick businesses

The public rely on Auckland Council, and accredited mainstream press, TV and radio to publish factual information in an accurate manner especially when they publish information relating to the health and safety of the...

Facial recognition coming?

Some supermarkets are looking at installing facial recognition software. Local artist RS, who wishes to remain anonymous, uses a combination of AI and other digital tools, mainly Photoshop, depending on what he is working...

What’s the issue with Countdown/Woolworths cards?

Late January I was given one of the new Countdown/Woolworths cards to begin using in February. At that time they were giving out the cards out willy nilly and there was no suggestion of surrendering...

Where have the bins gone?

Local artist RS, who wishes to remain anonymous, uses a combination of AI and other other digital tools, mainly Photoshop, depending on what he is working on at the time. His latest illustration is entitled...

Council entertainment expenditure

With Auckland Council complaining it is strapped for cash, I would question why it is spending money on providing entertainment for the populace. The council are not the only ones feeling the pinch. Those of...

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Trumps’ Gaza Plan