Thursday, March 6, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Short memory

Christopher Luxon , like most politicians has a short and very convenient memory loss describing Labour as the most divisive government in memory. The last term of the National government, marked by continued bitter...

Unemployed can help labour shortage

Yesterday (Thursday March 11) I bought a lettuce at Pak’nSave. The cost was over $5. I am told that farmers are ploughing them back into the ground because they cannot get pickers, hence the high...

Repression under a dictator

MP Christopher Luxon visited Moscow and concluded socialism does not work – a couple he spoke to showed him “socialism had abjectly failed and created misery”. The problem in Russia is not socialism, Mr...

Congratulations on 50 years Times!

The Times newspapers under Reay Neben continue a long tradition of keeping our community informed. The first Fencible settlers started NZ’s first community newspaper “The Pensioners’ Gazette” in July 1848 run by Dr W Bacot...

Government controlled the pandemic

Reference: ‘A society divided’ – Christopher Luxon, MP for Botany (Times, Wednesday, March 2). MP Christopher Luxon is now playing the peacemaker after his constant feed of negativity. Instead of lifting our spirits, he has demoralized...

Scooters shouldn’t be on footpath

Regarding your article re a man being struck by a young man on a scooter in December and spending more than 17 days in hospital from one accident . How many more have happened and...

Don’t forget community-based health workers

As the Covid outbreak intensifies, the College of Nurses Aotearoa (NZ) notes media preoccupation with reporting the numbers of people hospitalised or in ICU. Yes, hospitals and ICU beds are important but they represent a...

Tax cuts: Cause and effect

Christopher Luxon’s tax cuts, as always, are more popular with voters than tax hikes but there are consequences. Tax cuts reduce taxpayers’ burden but also increase the nation’s debt. Basic economic analysis shows that...

Evelyn Rd under repair 1 year on

I thought you may be interested in running a piece on the ongoing repairs on Evelyn Road. Resurfacing of the 550m stretch of road started one year ago and, after numerous attempts, it is still...

Averting road rage

Look before you indicate. Indicate and glance forward. Look again to see if the person has accelerated. Then change lanes Treat everyone else on the road as an idiot. Look up Zen driving. It...

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