Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Labour Coalition has done us proud

In the article titled “Luxon: NZ deserves much better response” (Times, January 26) written by Luxon or the National Party propaganda organ that will not reveal itself? The difference between the National Party and the...

Rates rises a worry

Our rates keep going up despite assurances we were given prior to the previous council elections. The mayor cannot put the rates up on his own, he requires the support of the majority of...

How do we help the young?

Re: ‘It just doesn’t stack up’ by Rob Walker (Times, February, 2). I sense some sarcasm in your reply, Mr Walker, but I still prefer Moliere! The John Key ‘rockstar’ economy: ploughing and gazing; foreign...

Light rail has raised its ugly head again

If our community leaders – who are supposed to look after the good of their community – think that light rail is such a good idea, let’s see them put up their own money...

EVs safer and more efficient

There are many lessons that should have been learned from the pandemic, foremost being the rapid growth industry of working from home and the service industry that supports that. The environmental benefits such as reduction...

Where’s the government’s accountability?

No New Zealand government has done more than our current one to undermine the traditional conventions of law which once protected our rights as individuals from the abuses of government. No government has done more...

Is light rail right for us?

The editor of the Herald mentions Sydney, Tokyo and Hong Kong’s super-efficient light rail systems as role models. What he fails to mention is these are cities of 8 million-plus population and therefore can afford...

Green, green grass of home

And a big welcome home to Kiwis whingeing about the “closed” border. They left to live overseas when the grass was greener but now demand to return since the grass here is greener – precisely...

Lose centimetres for charity

The ”Centimetres for Charity” Challenge (for over 40s only) runs for six weeks starting on February 12. Our facility will contribute $10 for each person participating plus $5 for every cm each participant loses around...

No man can serve two masters

I can only speak for myself, but if (Opposition Leader, Botany MP) Mr (Christopher) Luxon is unwilling to operate with an absolute commitment to truth, which he puts above himself, his party, corporate interests,...

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