Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Letters to the Editor

What’s with all these cases at the border?

Why are we getting all these Covid cases at the border? Are all the passengers not getting tested before they board the plane, or they passing it around during the flight? Surely if the correct precautions...

This isn’t Fairy Land Mr Luxon!

Reference: Merry Christmas and season’s greetings MP for Botany Christopher Luxon (Times, Tuesday, December 21, 2021). After moaning for 12 months about the Government’s decisions, MP Christopher Luxon has wished us all a very Merry...

Hydrogen fuel the way forward

Transport of goods and people already accounts for one third of the Earth’s greenhouse gases. Cars will cease to be a problem when they become EVs. Heavy transport, such as trucks, ships and airlines should quickly...

Hospital charges don’t make sense

In reply to Randel Case (Vax discrimination, Times, December 21), if the unvaccinated are to face hospital charges, then so should the obese with health problems brought about by their obesity, those with type...

A Christmas poem

'2021 Christmas Greetings', a poem by Trish Robertson, sent to the Times by her friend, Carol Clarke of Howick Hello friends and family From countries all round Christmas greetings to you From NZ in lockdown. A different new Christmas Could...

Community Christmas lunch is off

For nearly 20 years, St Columba Presbyterian Church has held a free Christmas lunch on Christmas Day for those in the community who would love to socialise and share Christmas lunch with others in...

Is this a sign?

Has anyone else noticed that we are slowly losing our letters off the Howick Library building? Let’s hope someone will tidy this up before our 175th next year. Coralie La Roche, Howick

Positive outcome from lockdown for Howick man

When Covid-19 hit Stuart Neels’ beloved tourism industry and the international borders were closed, he had to pivot to keep himself busy and sane. For the last over 30 years, Stuart has headed up one...

Vax discrimination

I agree with Nigel Keyes and I’m also against vax discrimination, except when it comes to the hospital bill. The non-vaccinated should be made to pay their bill for not wanting the free medication...

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Many thanks for giving our Christmas cakes a plug in your paper a few weeks ago. This help our sales as I received numerous calls from your readers seeking to purchase one or more....

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