Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Letters to the Editor

We did this to the Earth

In reply to Ian George (Times, December 8), “Climate change religion”, blind faith can be terribly misguided and inaccurate. He disclaims climate change as man-made and places it squarely on the sun. No mention of...

Open Letter: Outdoor education in jeopardy

The problem: 1. The framework classification of outdoor education providers – Under the MBIE Covid-19 Guidance outdoor education providers are strongly incentivised to require vaccine passes of their clients, facing restrictions in numbers or activity. 2....

Vax discrimination

As for the vaccinations, I am not a “no vax, no job” person. I disagree with this policy and manipulation. I would not ask anyone if they have been vaccinated. That is encroaching on their...

Nothing has changed

Re: letter (Global warming the beginning of the end, Times, December 1). My, my – looks like I have poked the bear in the eye so to speak, well just from the tone of the...

Climate change religion, part 2

Ian George believes the planet overheating is not man made but God’s will (Climate change religion, Times, December 8). Well Ian, not only climate change but also Covid, aids, Hep B, appendicitis, cancer etc is...

Time to stop industrial farming

For 300,000 years Homo sapiens lived as hunter gathers, spreading in waves from Africa, colonising all corners of Earth, including, very recently, New Zealand. We couldn’t do much harm; we didn’t have the power. Then...

Let’s hear it for good service

I would like to express my thanks to all the staff at my local Four Square, 114 Reeves Road, Pakuranga Heights. During lockdown they have been a lifesaver. Not only do they supply all the...

Vax discrimination

As for the vaccinations, I am not a “no vax, no job” person. I disagree with this policy and manipulation. I would not ask anyone if they have been vaccinated. That is encroaching on their...

There are no excuses

Does the team of five million include those recalling Jesus’ words – ‘greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends’. who wonder how Kiwis became those happy to...

Enough is enough

We agree with Christopher Luxon, “Enough is enough. Aucklanders desperately need confidence, certainty and hope” (Times, November 24). As our representative in Parliament, we hope he will find ways to do exactly that, rather than...

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Dog Rescue Pets

Dr Reti

NZ Defence Force

Auckland Arts Festival

Crusher Collins Navy Champion

Aliens Asteroid