Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Did you serve? Need help?

Did you serve in the NZ armed forces prior to 1974? If so you may be entitled to help from Veterans’ Affairs. Their phone number is 0800 483 8372. This includes Compulsory Military Training, Territorials, National...

Let’s get a few things straight

Re: ‘We stand strong when we’re united, Julie Adolph, Times, December 1. The thing about statistics is they’re only numbers and open to interpretation, whereas an expert opinion is a judgment based on the evidence...

Climate change religion

Do we now have a new ‘Climate Change Religion’? COP26 has just wound up with serious hypocrisy and concerns that global warming will continue because of Man’s polluting with CO2 and methane emissions. Even the...

We stand strong when we’re united

The truth is everyone who has been vaccinated can still get infected with Covid. By the time they show symptoms, they have potentially infected everyone they had contact with. In turn, those people have potentially infected...

Where, pray tell, is that bell?

I remember as a wee nipper, scampering out from beneath the covers, up under the bright curtains and crouching at the edge of my bed, elbows on the sill, thrilling to the joyful chime...

Is it a footpath or wheelpath?

Now and then my wife and I are given a fright by sudden loud ringing of bike bells behind us when strolling on the footpath. By instinct, we leap to the left side of footpath,...

Global warming the beginning of the end

Malcolm Hayward targets me for something I did not say, but of course he is entitled to go off half-cocked – as long as he doesn’t hit anyone. My comment was, “Let us pray Trump...

We must remember them

In response to Barry Dreyer’s letter (Times, November 17) asking if Armistice Day or Remembrance Day has been forgotten in New Zealand, the official answer is ‘yes’. Apparently, during the 1950s, the November 11 commemoration...

Tired of this attitude

It is with some consternation I read Dennis Horne’s letter “Manmade Global Warming” (Times, Nov 17). The concern I have is the suggestion that climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers and Trump fall foul of God. I am...

Where are the police?

Where have the New Zealand police gone? The words New Zealand have been removed from the Howick police station and from the police cars and goodness knows what else. If they are not New Zealand police...

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