Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Don’t remove the bins

Re: ‘Rubbish bins are being removed to save $10m’, Times, January 24, removing rubbish bins is a big mistake. It will not take long for rubbish to accumulate everywhere. It is bad enough now...

Name and shame

Can anyone tell me the name of the idiot (in my opinion) who had two of the three public rubbish bins removed from outside the Domino’s Pizza area at 2 Johns Lane, Pakuranga? Please print...

Does anyone care?

The Hauraki Gulf is over-fished, over-polluted and is, basically, stuffed. Its beaches are increasingly polluted, snapper en masse are starving and in more and more are cases are becoming inedible microplastics, wastewater –...

Police numbers

All the talk about more police joining the force. What they don’t tell us is how many leave or retired. I believe that it could even result in a reduction in the total number...

Chloe Swarbrick behaviour

It seems we have someone with history of escaping censure after atrocious behaviour yet never being brought to account. We’ve had her past egregious insult directed at then back-bencher Christoher Luxon in Parliament and recently...

Bins removal

Re: Rubbish bins being removed to save $10m . Maybe they could replace them with the recently supplied food bins? Only three are being used in our street. Bob Wichman Retired Manukau Councillor and Howick Local Board...

Bin there, done that

In relation to your arrival on January 24 , here’s a photo of our Farm Cove Rotary Walkway. Three bins have been removed. The only one left is overflowing but Auckland Council can afford a...

Hot vs cold – which is worse?

Gary Hollis in his letter of December 13 seems very concerned about the people who are “dropping dead” because they are too hot, but seems to show no concern for the order-of-magnitude more people...

NZ education failure not unique

It’s almost four years since the world’s classrooms were shut for 16 billion pupils as Covid spread. The full effects of those policies are only just beginning to be understood. Data from tests in maths, reading...

Local boards to be reduced

Boards coming together as one would include Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa, Waitakere Ranges and Henderson-Massey or Papakura and Manurewa. But though some of Auckland’s elected members called it a fresh approach to a politically stagnant Super...

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Trumps’ Gaza Plan