Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Democracy is out

New Zealand is now a dictatorship with Minister Mahuta legislating to take water assets from local authorities against their wishes. She also abolished the right to call for a referendum on Maori seats...

Veterans continue battle for recognition

While on the face of it a further 4500 veterans have been issued with the “Operational Service Medal” however, being one of the recipients, that’s all it was. This battle of recognition for some of...

Has Armistice Day been forgotten?

My wife and I went to the Stockade Hill Memorial today (Thursday November 11), Armistice Day, to each lay a poppy for relatives killed in the Australian and New Zealand armies fighting in the...

Freedom and vaccines

My own opinion is that we are facing a very real threat to our democratic freedoms. These freedoms have been eroded under the cloak of Covid-19. We have a government pushing hard for 90 per...

Breast cancer awareness and bee venom

Breast cancer awareness has come around again and it is heartbreaking to hear that little progress has been made to stop this heartbreak, especially when nothing the pharmaceutical world has done seems to make...

Will Covid’s spread be same as Spanish Flu?

The longer the 1918 Spanish Flu existed in a community, the less lethal the sickness became. The virus was most virulent when it first reached a country thereafter attenuated and far less began dying from...

Busway to Botany nonsensical

I could not really believe what I heard today with reference to the proposed busway between Pakuranga and Botany. I believe they have already made up their minds as to what is going to happen,...

No more Guy Fawkes nights please

When is the council going to show some intestinal fortitude and ban the sale of fireworks? They are pollution-makers (and contribute to) noise pollution, air pollution. Most of the people letting them off do not know...

Manmade global warming

Now that China and the US see that an urgent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions outweighs their ideological differences, we can move on, put climate deniers in the same basket as anti-vaxxers. (Let us...

Thank goodness, a Ministry for Disabled People

The announcement of a new Ministry for Disabled People, under the Ministry for Social Development, has been hailed as a much-needed development by the Grey Power Federation. President Jan Pentecost said the new ministry, which...

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