Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Letters to the Editor

White Christmas Mellons Bay

A white Christmas has come to the Mellons Bay MacDonald McLeay walkway. Cottonwood poplar! Weekday weeding workers had itchy rather than cold noses. David Mallowes, Howick

Climate crisis is here

There is a James Bond movie in which the villain is grappling with James Bond beneath a parachute that is totally on fire, completely oblivious that they are plunging to their deaths on the...

Food waste collection

There are approximately 540,000 households in Auckland. The charge to ratepayers to collect food waste is $77 per household per annum. Auckland Council intake is $42 million or $800,000 per week. I would be curious to...

Great shot

Ness Fletcher shot this at 8.28pm from her balcony at Musick Point. She’s sent us her original and a version that’s been colour-enhanced.

What’s the alternative to plastic?

I’m only now beginning to realise how much dependence we have on oil and coal. All plastics have their base chemicals from oil or coal or both. A visit to a plant centre was an...

RSE must remain in our schools

Two recent Times articles have expressed one local parent’s concerns about relationship and sexuality education (RSE). I disagree with many of her views, but as an East Auckland school graduate and soon-to-be teacher, I...

Rare yellow pohutukawa

At Shelley Beach today , the yellow pohutukawa was a mass of colour. Sally Barclay Howick

Food scrap bins not worth it

The first Friday some of us in our street put out our food scraps bins they were not collected. I reported it on the Monday and they were collected on the Tuesday. Two weeks later...

Lovely gesture from mystery woman

Today at Botany Town Centre I had a bit of an episode with my toddler who I could just not settle down. A woman came to me, offered to walk my stroller and things...

Steady population model for NZ

Auckland is so spread out that the cost of getting a useful public transport system will be prohibitive. To get out of Auckland to most places in New Zealand on public transport will be difficult...

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Trumps’ Gaza Plan