Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Students get into the voting experience

At Pigeon Mountain Primary School, Kauri team spent weeks learning about democracy in New Zealand. We covered the history of voting including women’s suffrage, the MMP system and how to vote. Students did their own...

Rotary Christmas puddings are back

Christmas is approaching and Rotary is once again selling our exclusive New Zealand-made, high quality Christmas puddings for your personal consumption or corporate gifting. This year we have more than 6000 to sell . These...

Our welfare diversion

The welfare safety net was intended for those unable to work because of serious accident or serious sickness. It has now a ‘lifestyle’. There are some 170,000 people on Jobseeker welfare. There is an old...

Council employees

Since Wayne Brown (Mr Fixit) has become mayor, how many less staff does the Auckland Council employ and, also, how many less contractors. With a salaries bill close to a billion dollars and rates skyrocketing,...

New plant identification signs installed

The Friends of Mangemangeroa have installed 22 new plant identification signs to replace signs that had deteriorated in the Mangemangeroa Reserve. The signs were constructed and the metal information plates inset and glued securely by...

The pot calling the kettle black

It’s a bit rich Christopher Luxon calling out Labour for being business unfriendly when Labour spent an estimated $26 billion rescuing an estimated 3000 small and medium-sized businesses from insolvency during the length...

The crossroads of decision

We’re at the crossroads. New Zealand is not being incompetently run but competently dismantled. The last three years have at last brought to light the fraudulent long-running globally dispersed predatory compact that has been slowly...

Nodding gnomes

Is it compulsory for today’s politicians to be backed by a hoard of nodding gnomes during televised media interviews or are the interviewees just not confident to stand on their own two feet? The nodding...

Sorry Winston

Winston Peters has many faults of which we are all painfully aware. However, using his position and heritage to express what the vast majority of us think is not one of them. Bary Williams Sunnyhills

Speeding on Pakuranga Road

Beware, the police are out gathering money for Treasury . I have just received a speeding fine for doing 58km/h on Pakuranga Road, where the speed limit has been lowered recently all the way from...

Latest Opinion

Dog Rescue Pets

Dr Reti

NZ Defence Force

Auckland Arts Festival

Crusher Collins Navy Champion

Aliens Asteroid