Friday, January 24, 2025

MECOSS: community volunteers required

In this unprecedented time, Pakuranga MP, Simeon Brown has identified that one of the areas of need we should try to address within our community,  is to get in contact with those over the age of 60 to give them a friendly call and see if they were doing ok during the Lock Down and to ascertain if there is any particular need that they might need some assistance with.

5500 households have been identified and it is estimated at least 55 volunteers are required to call these people over the next week (each volunteer required to make about 100 phone calls each)  If we have more volunteers we could provide shorter lists of phone numbers.

The next step is to identify volunteers who are able to assist with the volunteer phone calling.

If you or people in your organisation or network would like to assist with the phone calling or with providing assistance to those who need help –  a volunteer sign-up sheet has been set up

here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9wUtjqWLUa_k5HPZxy4prF4jAphNaMelClkdhrSsZ82JjVA/viewform


With families kept in close quarters for four weeks through lock down, experts say they’re expecting an increase in family harm.

It’s really important people know that even though we’re in lockdown, services to help keep everyone safe are still operating.

That is why a service directory of social services is being established for distribution in the Manukau East area.

If your organisation is open to taking calls from the public and would like to be included in the directory, please email MECOSS at the above address by Thursday of this week with your details

e.g. Name of organisation and a sentence about how you can help, contact numbers and the hours families can make contact with your organisation.


MECOSS is keen to know whether there is anyone in the Manukau East area who is available to assist with shopping for the elderly who are isolated at home.

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