Exposure update: border-related Omicron case
The Ministry of Health (MoH) late last night confirmed the whole genome sequencing of the previously reported worker at Auckland Airport and the MIQ worker’s household contact, who both tested positive on Tuesday, is of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
As a result, the Ministry last night published a location of interest on its website.
One individual was in Half Moon Bay on Tuesday (January 18).
Ara-Tai Cafe in Half Moon Bay was named by the MoH last night as a location of interest.
The MoH says customers who were seated inside between 12:30pm – 2pm on Tuesday, January 18
are considered close contacts.
“You are a close contact if you were a seated inside-customer,” the notice says.
“Self-isolate, test immediately and on day 5 after you were exposed at this location of interest. Further isolation and testing requirements will be provided by Public Health.
“Record your visit online or call Healthline so our contact tracers can get in touch.”
The MoH says customers seated outside at the above time and date are considered casual contacts.
“Self-monitor for Covid-19 symptoms for 10 days after you were exposed,” the MoH said.
“If symptoms develop, get a test and stay at home until you get a negative test result.”