Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pakuranga Heights School student tests positive for Covid

A student has tested positive for Covid-19 at Pakuranga Heights School.

An alert was posted on the school’s website today by principal Fintan Kelly.

“This message contains important public health information for you. We have been working closely with the public health service and Ministry of Education officials. Please read this letter carefully,” he said.

“Our school is closing until Monday

“A student has been confirmed as having Covid-19. The person was infectious at Pakuranga Heights School from November 8 to November 12.

“Those who have been in close contact with the person with Covid-19 now have public health advice on self-isolation and testing.

Public health advice for everyone else is also cited on the school’s website.

What you need to do

Please watch for symptoms and if any develop, get tested immediately and stay at home

Please watch for symptoms of Covid -19

If you develop any of the following symptoms, no matter how mild, ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or your doctor, and get tested. Healthline is a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available.

Common symptoms of Covid-19 are like those found with illnesses such as a cold or influenza. You may have one or more of the following:

  • new or worsening cough
  • sneezing and runny nose
  • fever
  • temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath

Less common symptoms of Covid-19 may include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability. These almost always occur with one or more of the common symptoms.

For more information about Covid-19, see www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-health-advice-public/about-covid-19.

“Please contact fintank@pakurangaheights.school.nz if you have any questions,” the alert said.


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