The Department of Conservation’s (DoC) marine mammal disentanglement team has managed to free a dolphin seen entangled in a fishing net in waters off Auckland on Wednesday.
The juvenile/subadult dolphin, which was travelling with a fully grown dolphin, was first reported to DoC’s hotline on December 29.
A photo taken of the entangled dolphin shows the net has cut into its dorsal fin.
Operations manager Kirsty Prior says the team located the dolphin and its companion at 12.50pm on January 8.
“The disentanglement team were able to get a working line with grapnel and floats on the animal.
“This allowed the team to bring the dolphin close to the boat and work carefully with specialist knives to cut it free by 1.54pm.
“We monitored the area for several hours and can confirm the dolphin is free of the entanglement and swimming strongly.
“It will now likely take time to heal and rest after before moving out of the area. Please give the dolphins space during this time.
“We would like to thank everyone who called the hotline, the public were vital in helping our team do their job successfully.”

Jocelin Friend from Te Kawerau ā Maki welcomed the invitation to be on the vessel and see the disentanglement take place.
“Te Wai Roa ō Kahu and Rangitōpuni awa are our ancestral waterways. Our duty as kaitiaki is to ensure our taonga species are treated with utmost care.
“I was impressed with how the team worked together swiftly, carefully and in respect of tikanga Māori to safely free the dolphin.”
People are reminded to stay vigilant on the water, keep their distance from marine mammals, and report any sightings to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 36 24 68).