Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Ideal thunderstorm weather for Auckland

Today and tomorrow brings us perfect thunderstorm weather. Photo CC0 via PxHere

Auckland is experiencing very high humidity and a severe thunderstorm watch is in force from now until 10pm tonight, for all of Aotea Great Barrier and all of Auckland, authorities have warned.

Georgina Griffiths, MetService Meteorologist says to be prepared and check MetService’s Rain Radar but any downpours are likely to be localised.

“Today and tomorrow brings us perfect thunderstorm weather. Our advice is to keep an eye on the rain radar on MetService’s website.

“Remember, not everyone will see the thunderstorms or the associated downpours and any impacts are likely to be localised. However, it is still important to be prepared – this high intensity rainfall is not helpful to our clean up, brings further risk of localised flooding, and exacerbates our risk of slips.

“There is some good news, however, as we expect the weather to improve on Saturday and Sunday.”

Meanwhile, Auckland Emergency Management is urging Aucklanders to be aware while the weather remains unstable. It published the following:

Be prepared

  • Make sure you stay informed. Keep updated on the weather forecast at www.metservice.com/warnings
  • Avoid unnecessary travel. Check road conditions if you do have to travel
  • Floods and flash floods can happen quickly. Act immediately if you see rising water – do not wait for official warnings. Head for higher ground and stay away from flood water
  • Check www.aem.org.nz for updates and information. Listen to emergency services and self-evacuate if you feel unsafe
  • If life is in danger, call 111 immediately

Building assessments update

  • We have had 95 teams working in the field today to complete the rapid building assessments.
  • As of 3pm, we have issued 196 red placards, 971 yellow placards and 1809 white placards
  • The teams are currently on track to have the rapid building assessments completed by the end of Sunday.
  • If you are concerned about your home or building and would like to request a building assessment, please call a 0800 22 22 00. Read more about what to expect from flood-damaged building inspections, including information on buildings with stickers and placards.


  • Despite an improvement in weather conditions AT is encouraging Aucklanders to take care when travelling on the transport network
  • 400 members of AT’s road maintenance crew are currently out working across the network to clear slips, repair flood damage and reopen roads.
  • Since Saturday, more than 60 roads have been restored and reopened; with 29 roads currently remaining closed.
  • For the latest information on road closures and public transport, check: govt.nz/weatherwatch.

Public transport

  • Rail services are running to reduced timetables
    • on the Western Line – between Newmarket and Swanson, with a transfer required at New Lynn)
    • Southern Line – Papakura to Britomart via the Eastern Line
    • and the Eastern Line – running at peak between Britomart and Manukau, and off-peak between Manukau and Otahuhu with a transfer needed at Otahuhu to Southern Line services to complete the journey.
  • Bus rail replacement services are running
    • between Britomart and Newmarket due to significant slips at the Parnell rail tunnel
    • and on the Onehunga Line and Southern Line between Otahuhu and Newmarket.
  • Bus services are operating on all routes although some have extended journey times because of road closures and detours.
  • Dedicated school bus services are being reinstated for those schools which have reopened today.
  • Ferry services are operating reduced timetables today, apart from Gulf Harbour which will continue to operate a bus replacement.
  • Public transport passengers wanting to travel on public transport services should check the AT Mobile app or AT website for the latest information on public transport services before they travel.


As of midday, we have found accommodation for people from over 120 households. Our Welfare and Logistics teams are continuing to work as quickly as possible to conduct needs assessments and get the remainder of those displaced into accommodation.

  • There are three Civil Defence Centres open at Randwick Park, Albany and Henderson.
  • Our Kelston centre has now transitioned to the Bruce McLaren Community Centre at HubWest, 27 Corban Avenue, Henderson.

Our five Community Support Hubs also remain open. These are:

  • Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Pool and Leisure Centre in Mascot Ave, Mangere (24 hours)
  • Te Manawa, 11 Kohuhu Lane, Westgate (9am-5pm)
  • New Lynn Community Centre, 45 Totara Avenue, New Lynn (9am – 5pm)
  • Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mount Albert Road, Three Kings (9am-5pm)
  • Birkenhead Leisure Centre, 46 Mahara Avenue, Birkenhead (9am-5pm)

If you need any support and assistance – please call us on 0800 22 22 00.


  • To help with the clean-up council now has 15 locations around the region where people can drop off their storm related debris.
  • If you want to take your waste to one of these stations, please phone Auckland Council on 0800 22 22 00 to confirm your visit.
  • For uninsured people the drop off is free.
  • The first step for insured people who want to dispose of storm related waste is to contact their insurer and they will advise the next steps as policies do differ.
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