Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Celebrating 15 years of connecting with the community

The huge turnout on Friday evening at the Imperial Palace Restaurant was an indication of how well connected the Pakuranga Chinese Association is with the local community.

Around 600 people turned up to celebrate 15th anniversary of the Pakuranga Chinese Association that meets three times a week at the Pakuranga Leisure Centre and at Te Tuhi.

The grand event hosted by the founding chairperson Barry Hung had the movers and shakers of the Chinese community turn up in full regalia.

Also spotted were Howick Local Board members David Collings and Peter Young; Botany Labour candidate Tofik Mamedov;  Pakuranga and Botany Maori Party candidates Carrie Stoddart-Smith  and Wetex Kang; community workers Rosa Chow and Jacke Hui; and beauty queens with their crowns firmly on their heads —Michelle Isemonger, Miss International New Zealand and Annie Evans-Miss World New Zealand.

The evening was packed with a range of cultural performances, showcasing local Chinese talent.

Mr Hung spoke about the contribution that the association has made to the community as well as the activities they host for the migrant Chinese community to make them feel at home.


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