Looks like all service and cultural organisations have let out a collective sigh of relief as life quickly moved from a pause mode to fast-forward, post lockdown. East Auckland’s calendar is fast filling up with activities and events.
Peter Young, Howick Local Board member and chair of the Botany and Flat Bush Ethnic Association, has a flurry of fitness and wellbeing activities planned for the community.
From resuming community Zumba classes at Ormiston Primary School on Saturdays from 4pm-5pm, to yoga classes lead by experts every Sunday (free yoga lead by Nalin from 10am-11am and Yoga by Liz from 11am-12noon $2 per session) at the Botany Library – there is a line-up of talks and workshops in the offing.
Starting off the Happy and Healthy Community talk last week was organiser of Howick Santa Parade, Bo Burns. An enterprising businesswoman and Howick Local Board member, Buns reached out to local ethnic leaders to encourage them to participate in Howick’s popular Santa Parade, making it a more inclusive and diverse event.
Young says that the Tai Chi classes hosted by the Botany and Flat Bush Ethnic Association have been so popular that the next 10 sessions have been fully booked and has a waiting list for a new class since trainer Eleanor Mak from Hong Kong takes only 25 students per class.
On Sunday, November 8, Diana Nicholson, Advanced Care Programme Lead, and Nivedita Sharma Vij, lead clinical head coach at Counties Manukau Health, will discuss Advanced Care Planning (ACP) at Botany Library, 11am.
ACP involves thinking about what is important to you as you age, or develop a serious condition/situation -enduring power of attorney and advance directives, an opportunity to start your won ACP including your goals, values and preferences.
Muskaan Care Trust NZ and Botany & Flat Bush Ethnic Association will help the audience identify things that matter the most. All are welcome.
Conversations by experts on a variety of subjects at the Botany Library every week include dealing with scammers, summer wellbeing; tips on maintaining healthy homes; a Chinese Tea introduction and the art of flower arrangement.
Kiwi windsurfing legend, double Olympian Bruce Kendall, will also be sharing interesting nuggets of his life. Kendall’s talk will focus on his early success in water sport on Sunday, December 6. Madison Chang of Drowning Prevention Auckland will also round-up the session with tips on water safety and prevention of drowning through education and advocacy.