Monday, March 31, 2025

Ambassadors appointed for 175th

Howick 175 Ambassadors at Bell House from left: Marin Burgess, Judy Parr, Philippa McGimpsey, Harjit Singh, Rob Mouncey (partly obscured), Joan Gill, Ian Rodger, Richard Waugh, Lingling Liang, Ethan McCormick, Pam Taylor, Marion Skelton, Brian Stocking, Steve Udy.  Absent: Sir Barry Curtis, Adele White, Mike Rowse. Chao Yu, one of the ambassadors, took the photo.

Voluntary ambassadors have been appointed to promote the Howick & districts 175th anniversary year of 2022.

Meeting at Bell House, the group was enthusiastic about the history of the area and equally so about the diversity and wellbeing of our east Auckland community today.

The group includes Sir Barry Curtis and Adele White, chair of the Howick Local Board, and a cross section of other community people.

Joan Gill works in the archives section of the Howick Historical Society, Ethan McCormick is working on video resources for local schools, Mike Rowse from EAST FM is promoting the 175 resources on local radio, Harjit Singh in the Indian community, Brian Stocking through Lions Club work, Ling Ling Liang and Chao Yu in the Chinese community and Judy Parr as a former local school principal is encouraging schools to focus on local history.

175 chairman Rev Dr Richard Waugh said, “We are now well underway with preparations for the 175th year. Fortunately our highlight time is in November so we should be through the worst of the pandemic and all be ready for community celebrations.

“At the recent ambassadors’ gathering at the 1851 Bell House in Pakuranga, Marin Burgess was an excellent host, assisted by Pam Taylor, and we had a most stimulating time together.

“I am most impressed by the community commitment and involvement of our ambassadors who will have a significant influence in promoting our special 175th anniversary year in the wider community.”

Marin Burgess, team leader for history resources for the 175 celebrations said, “We have a wonderful group of ambassadors and they will be out and about with posters, decals and promoting our website resources to the wider community.

“The challenge to all community organisations, schools and businesses is to plan something special related to our 175th year. It really is a wonderful opportunity.”

* For more information visit www.howick175.co.nz.

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