Tuesday, April 1, 2025

The countdown has begun

In 73 days, Howick will celebrate the Fencible arrival at Howick beach.

It was on November 12, 1847 – 175 years ago – that the Fencibles arrived in Howick and the settlement of Howick was born.

On this historic day Saturday November 12, 2022 there will be special events, the culmination of a host of activities marking this 175th year.

Howick 175 commemoration arrival picnic at Howick Beach

From 11am at Howick Beach. It is planned to have boats in the bay, speeches by community leaders and other family-friendly activities.

There will also be the unveiling of Howick 175th plaque at 2.30pm at Fencible Walk, 110 Picton Street, Howick, to commemorate the anniversary.

Civic church service

From 3.30 to 4.30pm, there is a civic church service organised by the East Auckland Ministers Association at All Saints Anglican Church in Howick. All are welcome.

There will be special music and tours available for people who want to view the historic church building.

The countdown has started to this special day and each week the Times will publish the many events that are coming up and stories submitted by people with a long association with Howick.

Schools have been writing also about local history and these stories will also be published.

If you would like to have your story told, please contact us at info@times.co.nz – proud supporters of Howick 175.

For more detailed information about the events visit www.howick175.co.nz.

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