- By Times Junior Journalist Tinkle Ding
Imagine, you were going on a nice stroll one day, then you spotted some wrappers on the ground. Would you pick it up?
You’re probably thinking, Yes, of course I would! Or something similar, but would you really?
Chances are that this has happened to you before, except you chose to neglect the problem thinking someone else would deal with it.
If everyone had this sort of mindset, who would be left to resolve the problem?
Everyone should be aware of their environment and make an effort to refrain from littering, this becomes especially true when around a child.
Setting a good example for children encourages them to remember not to litter in future.
Adorably, children often mimic what they see adults do, so when they see somebody casually dropping litter on the ground they may think it’s okay.
This poses a big problem for our community, with 3.2 million tonnes of rubbish being produced on average per year, just in Auckland!
That’s a pretty big number if you ask me. Now, think about what the number could be if our bad habits continue.
There are many solutions to this problem however, just some being: picking up after yourselves, keeping trash cans covered so nothing flies out, buy less packaging and use the reusable kind; don’t drop rubbish on the ground (including cigarette butts which is a big contributor to littering).
So, the next time you find yourself in a position where there isn’t a rubbish bin or place to dispose of trash, remind yourself that the ground is the worst place to drop it and remember to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Tinkle Ding is in year 7 at Bucklands Beach Intermediate School