Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Best-dressed businesses

Jane Bathurst Brown. Photo supplied

First impressions count in business.

If you were to think about your business as a person, with a particular character, haircut and dress sense, what would it look like and who would it be?

If your business ‘person’ were to show up to an event with mismatching socks, dishevelled hair, clothing that didn’t fit, and didn’t speak clearly, you would immediately form a stereotype in your mind, regardless of how great its offering.

Your brand identity is no different. Think about how your business shows up in your digital and print communications, and what kind of first impression it’s giving.

Your business’s character, communicated through tone of voice, colours, fonts, graphics and choice of imagery says more than you think to potential clients.

Bathurst Brown Design specialises in this area, matching a business’s personality and values to its visual and verbal brand identity. But beware!

The most beautifully turned out and eloquent person’s reputation can be destroyed instantly if they turn out to be untrustworthy, and your business brand is no different.

Get in touch with Jane on 0274 904 232 or jane@bathurstbrown.com if you would like to see examples of how a successful brand identity is put together and how her team may be able to help you with yours.

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