Friday, October 4, 2024

Five yoga myths debunked

Yoga’s popularity has soared, but misconceptions have come with it, as Gjin from Gjin’s Mindful PT (Howick) explains.

Let’s bust some myths and open your door to a deeper yoga practice:

Myth #1:
Yoga means ‘pretzels’: ‘Yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’, meaning to yoke or unite. It’s about connecting mind, body and spirit, not achieving perfect flexibility.

Myth #2:
You need to be super strong: Yoga caters to all abilities! Modifications abound, allowing you to tailor poses to your body’s unique needs. Beginners can find stability and strength as they progress.

Myth #3:
It’s all about the workout: Yoga is more than just physical exercise. Breath work (pranayama) and meditation are integral parts of the practice, promoting relaxation and inner peace.

Myth #4:
We get into yoga to ‘know’ our bodies: Yoga is a journey of self-discovery, but it’s not just about physical awareness. It encourages exploration of your thoughts, emotions, and spirit, leading to a deeper understanding of your entire being.

Myth #5:
Yoga is a religion: While some yoga styles incorporate spiritual elements, it’s not inherently religious. Yoga can be practised by people of all faiths (or none at all) focusing on the mind-body connection.

So, ditch those preconceptions and embrace the potential of yoga! It’s a practice for everyone, offering a path to physical wellbeing, mental clarity, and inner peace. Namaste! The word ‘Namaste’ means ‘the divine in me honours the divine in you’.

For more visit www.gjinsmindfulpt.com.

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