Tuesday, April 1, 2025

NZ’s first Over 40s Fitness Studio Reveals Their Proven Success Formula… Now in Highland Park

They are known as the over 40’s #1 choice for getting back into shape, losing excess kilos, feeling better, boosting energy levels and regaining lost confidence.
Over 5 years they have already helped many Howick residents do what they thought was impossible… turn their health (…and life) around.
If you are looking for an effective solution specifically tailored for people between 40 and 70 to lose weight and keep it off long-term, get fit & healthy, boost muscle strength and energy levels and regain the lost confidence look no further than The Growing Younger Programme.
In fact when people join the Growing Younger Programme they also report a huge boost in self confidence because they feel 10 years younger than when they started.
If you feel that as the years go by your body is slowing down, getting weaker, joints are getting stiffer and it’s taking longer to get going in the morning, it’s probably not just in your head and it’s not your fault.
Getting the extra weight off now seems to take a lot more effort and careful food planning and painful discipline. Aches and pains become more common and take a lot longer to heal.
Have you caught yourself thinking: “I better do this now because 10 or so years down the track I might be too old?”
You might be looking at your own parents and thinking “I don’t want to end up like that”.

What the future holds
If you’re anything like most over-40 people today, realising that your body is not quite the same any more can be daunting. Not being able to fit into your old pair of jeans is frustrating. You start to wonder what the future holds with a high degree of uncertainty. All of a sudden the prospect of getting older hits home hard.
The confidence you used to have as a youngster took a beating over the years and the subject of body image has become very uncomfortable.
The sad thing is that the fitness industry caters mostly for the younger demographic and blatantly ignores the very people who need their help the most.
On top of that with the weight of the world resting on your shoulders… so many expectations, chores, family responsibilities… it’s very hard to find time to attend to your own health.

But the great news is…
Luckily, thanks to the new initiative pioneered by two local Howick health professionals, there is an answer:
Alex Blazhevskyiy and Gavyn Berntsen have gone through tonnes of the latest medical and scientific research and say that aging doesn’t have to be a scary, miserable experience plagued by deteriorating quality of life, disability and fear.
“The ultimate solution”
That’s why back in 2016 Alex and Gavyn put together a comprehensive health programme with the main focus on helping you do exactly that… slow and reverse the ill-effects of the aging process, feel great again, regain the lost confidence and be proud of your body.
“Proof that it works”
The Growing Younger Programme has evolved over the last 5 years into a predictable, reliable system that delivers results over and over again.
Many, many Growing Younger members lost kilos of excess weight and not only that, they managed to keep it off long-term.
That’s right, no “yo-yo dieting”. You get to keep your weight off long-term.
And the best thing is that it doesn’t involve any hard dieting or harsh, extreme, bootcamp-style exercises.
To top it all off the Growing Younger Programme received a prestigious Innovation Award at the New Zealand Fitness Awards in November 2020. That just confirms their unique status. In fact, they are the only ones doing what they do in this country.
Gavyn says: “We take full personal responsibility for improving the health of our clients. We don’t just invite you to join and leave you to figure it all out for yourself. We “hold your hand” along the way and ensure that you get results.”
“Many people join a normal gym and after a couple of sessions never return while continuing to pay their gym membership fees and no one ever checks on them. This doesn’t happen with us. We will follow-up with you to ensure you are getting results”.
“We want to see you succeed because your success is our success”.
Just imagine what it would feel like having the energy to get things done again, the youthful vitality and being comfortable in your body…

How it works
To be clear, Growing Younger is not a traditional gym. The programme involves coordinated input in the areas of nutrition, personal training and accountability. On top of that Alex is a physiotherapist who is there to provide guidance with injuries if you have any.
And because the fitness studio is strictly 40+ only you are not going to have to put up with younger individuals playing loud music and making you feel uncomfortable. The Growing Younger environment is 100% secure and supportive.
All you need is to plug yourself into the well-tested system and watch the results materialise.
Alex insists on the “Diagnose first, then prescribe” approach. They listen and understand what your current situation and goals are and tailor-make the programme to suit.
That’s what makes them unique. Alex says that having a 3-level approach – personal training, nutrition and accountability – is what makes the programme work so well.
On top of that your personal trainer regularly reviews each client’s progress to adjust the programme if needed to achieve the maximum result.
Gavyn says not only it will help you look and feel younger – it will help you get healthier and stronger on the inside. He says: “It’s our passion to work with people over 40 and watch their lives transform in front of our eyes”.

We have many people who used to hate gyms but they love what we do
Growing Younger members also get full access to their group exercise classes which include Zumba Gold, Pilates, Kettlebell and Yoga.
Entering your golden years should all be about enjoying a well deserved break, spending quality time with your family, kids and grandkids and of course travel. And perhaps even setting an example for them. You should not be limited by aches and pains and frequent health scares.
It makes sense to get in touch with the experts who have gone through book-shelves of medical research and have helped other people feel younger, stronger and fitter.
The Growing Younger facility has just moved from their old location at the Howick RSA to their new office in Highland Park.
Everything from the first enquiry to kick-starting the programme and getting real results the team at Growing Younger has made things as easy and straight-forward as possible. The programme does not involve any gruelling exercises so whatever your current level of fitness is it would make sense to talk to them… however, you do need to be serious about your health.
So if you’re concerned about the state of your declining health and fitness and where your health will be 5 or 10 years down the track, if you want to lose some excess kilos, get stronger, healthier and live longer to be around for your family or simply want to feel more confident about yourself and your body request a FREE no-obligation 20-minute Discovery consult in their new Highland Park office. During this 20-minute consultation we will do some simple health tests and discuss whether the Growing Younger Programme is right for you.

Here’s what to do next!

To get your complimentary Discovery consultation simply call us on this number 0800 001778, email alex@growingyounger.co.nz (place “Discovery consult” in the subject line) or text your name and the word “Discovery” to 021 333476.
Please keep in mind that their current facility has a capacity of a maximum of 150 members. They currently have 97. So there is space for only 53 more. Once they are full, new members will not be accepted until one of the current members leaves the programme.
Staying on top of your health is easy when you have the best support in the fitness industry… someone who is specifically trained to help people over 40 stay functionally fit for years to come. So go ahead request your FREE 20-minute Discovery consultation now to get started. It won’t be long before you start feeling stronger and positive about your future.

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